Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Choice For Change

I have decided to make some changes in my life.  I hope, no, I believe, that they will be good ones.  Or at least lead to more good. 

I decided to do some changing because I am tired.  I am tired of stress from people I never see; I am tired of driving; I am tired of always being told by people who don't know me that I don't know what I am doing; I am tired of being tired.

I want to be around positive people who lift me up; I want to lift others up; I want to be yellow; I want to have a good influence on others; I want people to be happy I know them; I want to feel good about what I do; I want to be satisfied at the end of the day.

Therefore, I must make chagnes.  I am the only one who can do this.  I have to choose to do these things. This may mean changing professions, changing my routine, working out more, writing a book, delving deep into my faith, learning Zumba/ Qignition instructor materials, becoming a maid, or whatever I am suppose to do.

I have to put into my heart to God.  Because right now,  I do not feel I am doing what he wants in my life. 

Who knows?  Choices take time, but now I am listening.  First, he says for me to think and pray more, surround myself with friends, and be at peace.

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