Thursday, May 31, 2012

housekeeping skills

Being home for a week sick can really make you think about your house and housekeeping skills.

Today I went to work for half a day.  Should probably not have.  Induced coughing fits and another sweat battle.  So...

Back at home and noticing my housekeeping skills.  I have reminded myself that I have been sick for a week, however, I cannot remember the last time I cleaned my ceiling fans.

Wow-will definitely being doing that when I am well.  My system is pretty easy.  Spread a sheet on the floor of on the bed depending on fan location.  make sure the fan is OFF.  Grab your broom and get after it letting dust land on the sheet.  When done, roll/ fold sheet up with dust inside.  Take sheet outside and let it fly.  Then I was the sheets and bam.  All done. 

I also need to work on my dusting.  Normally, I only have two pups living in my home, right now I have four.  Dusting is now not an option of every week, but every day.  Therefore, I declare (when I am well again) I will dust every day while I have four furry beasts.

I also remembered that I need to the seal floor in the bathroom that we just remodeled.  I a going to use a spray recommended by my favorite "house" store, Home Depot!  Go orange!

Maybe I should buy a Rumba again?  Does housekeeping count as exercise?  That would help give me more motivation I'm sure!

Hmmmm....maybe I should create an exercise program that you do while you clean??????

Saturday, May 26, 2012

pink & green

had some fun with my camera.  maybe i can have my Mom paint this for me.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today was....

Today was....
Well, it was normal to start.  I went marketing for work, made contact with those I needed too, had lunch with a staff member, and answered a billion emails. 

I then took five minutes and read a friends blog post for last evening and this morning.  She moved me to action without her knowledge.

I posted a comment to address her, and then I headed to Target.  I bought a large red basket and filled it with kids items.  Uno cards, stickers, crayons that twist, coloring books, sidewalk chalk, and other fun items; a book and blank kids chore list for her.

My friend is going through grief in her life and is now raising two children.  School lets out tomorrow!  I thought a little basket may help.

I do not know if I did the right thing, however, we spoke for about an hour when I dropped it off.  That WAS right.

I wish her a good summer with the kids and much love.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I wish my friend and all women who have lost a child due to illness, injury, or neo-natal death strength through the power of God.  May the peace of the Lord be always with you. 

Love in Christ.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Boeuf Bourguignon!

Boeuf Bourguignon!
Wow!  My feet hurt from standing, and my house smells wonderful!

You will need: paper towels, a fry pan, a couple of pots, a chicken roaster, long tongs, and a slotted spoon.  You will also need to address and thank Julia Child! 

Don't forget your favorite apron!

6oz bacon
1Tbsp. olive oil
3 lbs. lean stew beef cut into squres/ cubes
1 sliced carrot
1 sliced onion
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 Tbsp flour
3 cups Chianti (I used our home brew wine-Yum!)
2-3 cups beef broth
1 Tbsp tomato paste or puree
2 cloves mashed garlic
1/2 tsp thyme
1 crumbled bay leaf (if small use 2-3)
18-24 small white onions, brown-braised in stock
1 lbs quarted fresh mushrooms, sauteed in butter
Parsley sprigs (for garnish)

Cut rind (fat) off bacon and cut the bacon into 1.5 inch long strips.  In 1.5 quarts (6cups) water simmer rind and bacon for 10 minutes.  Lift out with slotted spoon and then dry with paper towel.  Seperate the rind from the bacon when doing this.

Dry the beef cubes with paper towels while this is simmering.  the beef will not brown if it contains too much moisture.

Sautee bacon in oil over moderate heat for 2-3 minutes to lighlty brown.  Remove to small roaster and set aside.  Reheat oil/ bacon fat until it is almost smoking.

In the oil/ bacon fat, brown beef cubes a handfull at a time until nicely browned on all sides.  Place in the roaster with the cooked bacon pieces.

While this is occuring you can sautee the mushrooms in butter and boil the small white onions in any kind of broth you like/ have.   Also, preheat your oven to degrees. 

Do not drain the fat!  Now, sautee the sliced carrott and onion in this same fat.  

While the veggies are in the fat, add salt and pepper to the beef & bacon.  Mix.  Next, add the flour.  Stir the meat in the flour.  Mixing this flour in will help add a nice, light crust to the beef.  Cook for four minutes in your degree oven.  Take out and mix again.  Place back in the oven for another four minutes.

Remove from oven.  Reduce oven heat to 325 degrees.  Add your favorite red wine, beef bouillon broth top almost cover the meat, stir in the tomato paste, carrot, thyme, bay leaf,  the sauteed mix, and the bacon rind (cut now into small pieces) into the beef/ bacon mixture.

Bring to a simmer on your stovetop.  Place in oven for 2.5 to 3 hours.  When you can stab the meat with a fork and it is tender it is done.

Next,  put a strainer on top of a large sauce pan.  Drain the roaster.  Place meat mix back in the roaster.  Place mushroom/ onions over the meat.

Simmer the sauce.  Remove the fat as it rises to the top.  If sauceis to thick, add a little extra bullion.  If too thin, boil down rapidly.  Taste for seasoning.  Add what you need in small amounts.  You should have about 2.5 cups of sauce in the end.  It should coat your spoon well.  Pour sauce over meat/ veggie in roaster. 

To immedetly serve cover and simmer roaster for 2-3 minutes while basting the meat with the sauce.  Arrange over rice, pasta, potatoes-your favorite starch and garnish with parsley. 

Refrigerate and reheat?  Keep cold and covered.  Aboout 15-20 minutes before serving bring to a simmer on the stove very slowly for 10 minutes , while occasionaly basting with the sauce. 

Have fun and enjoy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

ahhh, the joys

What a weekend!  Friday night was a benefit silent auction for Opportunities, Inc., then Saturday was a two hour Zumba-thon benefiting Opportunities, voting in local elections, and cleaning the house.

A wonderful mothers day has come and gone.  I made a wonderful dinner, if I do say so myself.  Manicotti, salad, and homemade cupcakes with dried pineapple on top.

Monday-back to work!  And....state walked in the door for full book. 

Ahhh, the joys!

Friday, May 11, 2012

insignifiant with moments of importance

As we go through life we realize that we are insignificant with only moments of importance. 

Last week I helped someone develop a pro/ con list.  "Pink" wanted it to be a reflection of her life and her choices.  We did this together.  We also made one for me as this was very emotional for her. 

A third lady was present; I will call her "the lady in blue" decided at that time that I am human.  Wow!  My pro list and my con list are about equal and this stunned "the lady in blue".  For her this was refreshing to know that I wasn't perfect.  I told her that I am as close to perfect as anyone else, meaning not at all. 

My pro list consisted of items such as:  good friend, nice, etc.
My con list consisted of items such as:  not patient (if you know, me you know it's the truth)

I am so happy that I "the lady in blue" and I were able to help "Pink" and that "the lady in blue" and have have gotten closer.

My moment of importance for "the lady in blue" was last week, but mine in regards to her was today when she expressed how much a pro/con list helped her understand me. 

I am so proud to know these two ladies and how they have had moments of importance in my life and I in theirs.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daines for the future

If you live in Texarkana and in the voting on Saturday for:  Jane Daines!

Save a Life

As a health care professional I am very aware that not everyone is comfortable speaking about choices to their loved ones. This could be a good option for you.

Here is a neat way to have all of your medical alert and paperork from advanced care planning.  Everyone these days has a computer to plug this into in case of an emergency room visit or even your doctors office in case you are tired of lugging a manila folder everywhere.

I saw this on amazon and wish every resident I ever had could have one of these just in case of a natural disaster.
Product Image
In Stock.Offered by Medical Alert Bands
1 Used & New from $29.99

Sunday, May 6, 2012

tanner adventures

Here is the joy and not so joyous adventures with self tanner:
1.  Your tan in the end!
now the bad:
1.  It stinks
2.  It is "wet" the whole time
3.  It makes you sweat
4.  It's hard to paint your toenails when your legs are wet
now more good:
1.  Your tan in the end!  (hopefully it isn't uneven). :-)

I Use Au Curant.  Make sure you exfoliate before you use any product and then have fun!

No matter how odd it looks when it is drying for 3-5 hrs. I have always had a great outcome!!!

Keep in mind I am as pale white as anyone can come.  Make sure you pick a shade that is complimentary to your current skin and how you want to look.

Full moon

The moon last night.

Friday, May 4, 2012

good day

Last night my hubby and I had a wonderful conversation regarding life choices.  He is the most supportive man I could ever have come up with.  Thank goodness we have been together since high school.  He loves me so much.

Today has been so very busy.  Up at 4am, work just after 5am, doctors appointment, an errand or two, sent in my article, decisions made, preparing for new adventrues around the world, and all the while hugging my hubby and petting the two pups.

Wishing you all the best day ever.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I have been doing Zumba at KV Studio's now for three weeks.  What fun!  I have always enjoyed exercise and this is no different.  Today started "write down what I eat".  This is the part that I do not like.  Wish me luck.