Monday, August 27, 2012

half the sky

If you want to help support women from all over the world read the book, Half The Sky and then watch the documentary on PBS October 1st and 2nd. 

Half The Sky authors were the keynote speakers for Association of Junior League's International this past year. 

To join the movement go to the above posted website.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A political post; sort of

never, and i mean never, do i post politics.  i do not think it is right to accidentally press my beliefs upon others.

that being said, what is in the news regarding a quote from a man running for senate is, basically, insane. 

the thought that a woman should lay down and take rape, or control their body so they don't get pregnant is downright disgusting.  he is repulsive and abominable. 

in my opinion, it doesn't matter his political party.  he should rot!  there should not be a question of 'asking' him to resign, it should be mandatory!

good men, awesome law enforcement, and other strong women support rape victims, support molestation victims; this guys is anti-human support. 

if you read this and you are offended, i apologize for your re-action and not for my beliefs. 

please pray for anyone affected by rape or molestation.  may God live within every ladies heart that has experience this and empower them.  you are respected and loved.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


I love my dog, Sabakka.  She is so sweet, smart, and gentle. When I pet her she makes me smile.  I love to scratch her little chin and on her soft nose.  She kisses my hand while I do that! 

I worry for her because of her pain in her hips, her infections in her ears, and her dermatitis.  She is my "fur baby". 

She loves me unconditionaly and I am proud she is mine. 

We rescued her from the North Little Roc shelter and paid $35.  We de-wormed her upteen times, taken her to many vet appointments.  She is ours and she is beautiful.

She has chewed up belts and shoes, she has eaten things from the trash, she has thrown up at 2am more times than I care to count.  She has stollen ice crea out of my bowl and she has kissed away tears.

Sabakka has added so much to my life.  I hope an animal has given you many gifts too.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

More Choices

I wish I had more choices in a certian area of my life.  Isn't that weird?  I have so many wonderful things in my life.  It is one that many envy.  I don't blame them.

I am happily married, two fur babies, a lovely home, great volunteer service, nice friends, and a great family. 

I enjoy my extra activites such as writing for Four States Magazine and teaching Zumba.  Love Junior League, Relay for Life, and more. 

One area, however, needs to change.  I don't know when it will happen.  I hope it happens soon because it is weighing heavy on my heart and my mind.  I am looking for something new.  I believe I am ready for change.  Maybe God dosen't think I am.  If I am not ready then I hope he makes me ready.

Faith in myself and faith in my actions; my choices.  Please send me strength, grace, and love to share with others.

So much to be grateful for...believe me, I am, I thank Him every day; however, please open one more door for me and then let me have my vacation.