Monday, June 30, 2014

A big day

I have joined the amazing team or rodan + fields.  The doctors who created proactive have created skin care lines that help fight the signs of aging as well as adult acne.  As an adult with cystic acne I must say the unblemished line has been amazing for me.  I have not had a flare up since I started using it and no skin infections on my chin!  

I have also taken some classes in yoga therapy as well as yoga and addiction recently and can't wait to take yoga for warriors with YogaFit in July.  It will help to guide me in how to help people with PTSD with yoga practice.

Soon to initiate a good new friend into P.E.O.  Love helping women get involved in this organization.  Giving money to women to go to school is the best!  I recently called bingo,at an evening event and we are over fundraising budget for the year!  So proud.  


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