Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Little Handbag Memories

Every lady owns a small handbag, or two, or twenty!  I recently reviewed mine while cleaning out my closet with my mother.  She had a wonderful idea that I wish to share.

You will need:
Your clutch
An index card
An event to attend! 

Using your pen write the date and event you are attending.
Store it inside your clutch.
Each time you use this clutch update the card.

You could even write who gave it to you, why they gave it to you, or if you bought it for yourself for a special occasion and then start writing each time you carried it.

Think of all of the great memories you will recount whenever you use your clutch.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Life is funny

As always, life is funny.  It keeps our days interesting.

Since this time last year I am a blessed wife.  Mike is still with us thanks to God, modern medicine, and pure will.

I am also looking for a new job.  It is a great opportunity to change directions after ten years.  I can't believe it's been ten years.  Looking for my second career with a huge smile on my face.

My parents have been so generous. They got me a new jacket, dress, hosiery, and an all expense paid makeover.  I feel like I have no hair!  It's still long for most but short for me.  I had facial procedures like crazy.  I call them names by want the hand held gizmo looks like.  I.e. The putty knife, cotton ball, magic toothbrush, clear magic wand.  lol!

I am loving yoga and wishing there was more Zumba.  Wish I could teach it full time.  Barre classes are starting in town and I can't wait!  

Life keeps changing and keeps me laughing at all the fun stuff.