Monday, July 2, 2012

Veg then Zumba

The past few days have been fun. 

On Saturday my husband and I vegged out.  We blew up our air mattress, put it in front of the only TV in the house, and made a nest.  We watched movies all day and ate junk food in our PJ's.  It has been too long since we did this.  It was relaxing and great to cuddle to adventure fliks and romantic comedies. 

On Sunday I got up VERY early and drove to Shreveport, LA for Zumba Basic 1 training.  Marci Gill was my specalist.  I met some really nice ladies, enjoyed the sweat, and the party!  I am now certified in Basic 1 and am looking forward to other certifications with Zumba.  I am a bit tender in the shoulders, but love that I worked my body.

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