Friday, April 27, 2012

Post One!

Hello all-My name is Arwen and I am a spunky red head who loves her husband, pups, and enjoys life.  My blog is planned around the real life of a "DINKS", i.e. double income, no kids.  I like to cook, take pictures, go on adventures, read, maintain my antique home, support Junior League-ACS-and Opportunities, Inc. and much, much more.  Life is worth living!  

The people I work with would you tell you that I believe in a certain order to life; "Christ, family, work".  My friends would tell you that I believe in faith, love and depend on family, and that work-well work- is spending as many hours as I can volunteering to help whomever I can. 

Life should be a joy and a balance is key. 

I look forward to starting this blog; it is my first. 

Love to all-A

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