Thursday, January 22, 2015

More than a year

Wow, more than a year since I've posted.  You can tell blogger got removed from my iPad!  Well, a lot has changed and a lot has not.  Long term care is by the wayside, my hubby loves me, and I am going back to school.  I am also taking care of the hubby, our puppy Nousha- as Sabakka has passed, and studying like A mad woman!  

I promise to start updating again on a more regular basis.  Tonya- hold me accountable!!!  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Feeling blessed

I am blessed because I have great friends.  You are few, but true.  Thank you.
I am blessed because of my family.  We may argue and disagree but we love each other.
I am blessed because I have had three dogs love me.  One is in heaven, two remain on earth and I love that they love me.
I am blessed because I love my pups.
I am blessed because of Rodan and Fields.  Thank you for bringing back my spark. 
I am blesses because of Michael.  ' Nuff said. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My fur baby

Sabakka is my first born.  My life.  My pride and joy.  

She helped me to become a responsible adult, know unconditional love, and trained me more than I did her.  This being said she can open and shut doors, search and rescue, sit, stay, lay, and speaks German. 

This Saturday will be family photo day in her honor.  She will, the rest of this week and thru Wednesday get every bad food she wants, because on Wednesday she will meet God.  She will also be healthy, playing soccer, and seeing all the pups who have gone before.  

I know where Sabakka is going, yet Michael and I need prayers for strength.  As our tears flow, we will hug her and kiss her till the end.  

Thank you to wisdom animal clinic for your amazing care and to Melanie Gloster for photos that I know will be amazing.